Sunday, July 27, 2014

Matching Your Story to Your Insight and Your Value Proposition

There is a buzz about storytelling for business everywhere you look. You see seminars, webinars, eBooks, and blogs about how to create them and how they'll help you. I have some insights I've gained in my journey to becoming a sales trainer and storytelling coach. I was planning to be a teacher until my divorce and the need to up my earning power set me on the path of a sales person and then a sales trainer. Several of my required courses for teaching included Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. As I read many of the articles on storytelling, I realized that it was important to share how the story telling and Maslow's Hierarchy fit with proving insight and a value proposition for your listener.If you are not familiar with the hierarchy, you can check it out in Wikipedia as graphics cannot be included here. Each level is listed below in the order of the hierarchy.You can assume the listener has their first level physiological needs met or they wouldn't be listening to your message - they'd be seeking to satisfy those critical basic needs for survival. Therefore, your target audience member could be from any of the four higher levels on the triangle. When creating your story and your unique value proposition, research as much as you can about your target audience and particularly the intended listener to determine which of the levels might apply. Here are some examples:· Level 2 Safety - The person is a manager in a department that is threatened by outsourcing or being declared redundant. Your value proposition could include a service or product that would help the person or the department become more valuable to the organization. Then your story could tell of a situation such as being cut from your baseball team or the swim team as a child. This inspired you to dedicate yourself to excellence and helping others increase their value. Provide an example of how your product or service successfully helped someone in the same situation bring renewed personal or department value to their organization. They may have ultimately changed jobs but they increased their value and employment opportunities.· Level 3 Love/Belonging - Suppose the person has landed on your website for family services such as helping a child who is failing in school. Your value statement would tell how your service is unique and it looks at the situation from a different perspective such as individually tailored to your child's interests or hobbies to provide strong motivation to succeed. Your story would tell how you liked helping others as a child or young teen. You can relate how your current job ties to your core value of helping others. You can provide several examples of a family that benefited from the service.

· Level 4 Esteem - The listener in the "Esteem" level would be interested in how he or she could achieve the next level of success in the company with a solution tailored to a situation you perceive exists in the their organization. Your story could tell of how you felt when you worked with a manager in another company and helped him get a promotion or a highly valued recognition.· Level 5 Self Actualization - At the highest section in the hierarchy are the values that a C-Level executive may be wresting with for the entire organization or a troublesome division. A friend of mine has offered a value proposition to work with a company on increasing the creativity in the company. Her targeted prospect has been mentioned in blog posts and news articles as not offering as many innovative products. There were hints they were getting stale. She developed a value proposition around generating creativity and then crafted one of her "Who I Am" stories around how she had been a left brain technology worker that found her right brain creative skills and developed training for others in her industry. She related one of her many successes and gained a new customer.There are multiple messages in this post. First, one story told one way doesn't fit every situation. Second, research and preparation before making that all-important call and telling your story has a big payoff. And third, being personal and including a story that tells about you and your character is more memorable and resonates with your prospect.

The Best 15 Minutes Of Every Selling Day

Here it is plain and simple, short and sweet. Another example of Selling made simple.Imagine you are working with your sales manager and as you recap the daily schedule for him, he asks one or more of these questions.=> What's the purpose of the sales call?=> What do you want to accomplish here today?=> Why are we making this call?=> What's the reason for the call?=> What's the primary sales objective for this call?How would you respond? Would your response include vague and general comments such as:=>> to make a sale=>> to introduce a product=>> to demonstrate a product=>> to do a review=>> to find out about the customer's needsOr would you respond with very specific sales call objectives that are so specific they could pass through an eye of a needle? There are several key advantages to preparing specific call objectives for every call.But first, when should you plan these objectives? There's no one good time; however, the best planners always try to set aside the same time each day to map out their sales call objectives and strategies.You may want to devote fifteen minutes at the end of each day preparing the objectives for the next day. Some reps prefer to do it the evening before, and still others like to do it early in the morning.

How specific should you be when planning your sales call objectives? Consider this: how specific would you want to be if you knew there was a very high correlation between specific objectives and desired results. When you plan exactly what you want to achieve during the sales call, you become incredibly focused and so does the customer.Here are five reasons why you should spend at least fifteen minutes every day planning specific sales call objectives. Consider this, most salespeople do not have specific written sales call objectives. Pity the poor customer. Don't you think he can tell the difference between a sales rep who has a plan and a sales rep who is flying by the seat of his pants?1. You'll achieve "definition of purpose."2. The objectives will direct and guide you during the sales call.3. The customer will know why you're there.4. Your focused efforts will eliminate wasted time.5. You'll be able to measure results on every call.The better your plan, the better your selling results will be. If you'll invest fifteen minutes every sales day to setting specific call objectives, you will turbo-charge your selling effort and dramatically improve your sales performance.

Friday, July 25, 2014

7 Lessons I Learned From My Dad's Bankruptcy

A defining moment in my life was at the age of 16 when my dad went bankrupt. He owned his own business and was really passionate and knowledgeable about his product. But what he wasn't so passionate and knowledgeable about was Sales and Marketing. He didn't know how to attract prospective customers or how to convert them into high paying customers.Marketing to him, was word of mouth and a few leaflet drops.When he went bankrupt we lost EVERYTHING. The business, the cars, the house, EVERYTHING!The bailiffs came in and valued every last teaspoon. They were very kind to my mother and said if she could borrow £300 (A ton of money when I was only 16) she could buy back our essentials. So she managed to borrow the money and bought back our beds, sofas, cooker etc...The day came for us to move and we had to go into a council house, nothing wrong with council houses of course but when you are forced to go it is a different matter.It was TRAGIC... we were all devastated. My father couldn't cope and his drinking got worse and worse as did his anger and violent behaviour. So we ended up leaving him to go to our new house on our own.He really did lose everything including his family!When I became involved in Sales and became a Sales Manager I worked tirelessly learning everything I could, reading books, going on training courses, watching and talking to the best in the business. I decided to be an expert in attracting prospective clients and converting them into high paying clients who gave repeat and referral business.I diligently trained and coached my teams to be the best they could be so they could enjoy success and NEVER be in the position of being humiliated and feeling like a failure, the way my father had.The results were astounding. We were always in the top 5% in the country and in 1998, when I was Regional Manager for a global company, my teams achieved TOP position in the whole country. We were top against target, we had the best staff retention rate, we had the best compliance scores. We had the highest level of repeat business. We were THE BEST WE COULD BE.So, what were the 7 lessons I learned from my dad going bankrupt;1. He would go from day to day working randomly, waiting and hoping tomorrow would bring better results.What to do - Work on bringing in new customers EVERY DAY2. Not all of his customers were good customers, some were late payers, little profit or hard to work with.What to do - Know the profile of your ideal customer inside out and where they hang out so you can attract more of the clients you WANT to work with3. He didn't know how to demonstrate to customers the value and benefits of buying from him. He knew how good his product and follow up service were but didn't let people know. (Not really surprising as his marketing efforts were virtually nil)What to do - Create value in your marketing messages that will massively differentiate you from your competition. Demonstrate the benefits your customers will get by using your product or service

4. My Dad's idea of marketing was a flyer which had his company name and address, a description of what he did, his business address and telephone number. The sum total of business from these flyers was "NONE"What to do - Create marketing materials that are customer focused and included the 4 elements that will have your prospective clients say "Yes, that's me I need your help"5. My Dad was an expert at what he did but he was the best kept secret.What to do - Have a marketing plan to include multiple marketing activities and position yourself as the expert in your field... "The go to guy" Expose Yourself... metaphorically speaking... haha!6. He knew his product inside out. He would talk and talk and talk about every detail of it and what it would do. Because of this he often found himself in a price war with his competitors.What to do - Understand your customers. Be focused on what they want to achieve. Uncover the problems they are having that prevent them from achieving their objectives. Ask questions, don't tell until you know what is relevant7. He didn't EVER contact his existing customers to explore the opportunity of helping them further. There would have been endless opportunities to sell additional products. His is attitude was "They'll come to me if they want more" How could they if they didn't even know what his additional services were?What to do - Make sure you use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system, even if it is on an excel spreadsheet. Capture the details of your customers, segment them into A B C categories and create a contact programme for each segment. You need to create "Top of Mind" thinking so they will come to you when they are thinking about your product or service.Oh how I wish I knew then what I know now. My dad died when he was 52 without ever reaching his full potential.To continue my story;In 1999 I had an experience which prompted me to leave the corporate world. Another story for another day!I made a commitment to dedicate my professional life as a Self Employed Sales and Marketing Leader and Coach and Speaker helping Professional Business Owners and Professional Sales People get more business clients in record time through my workshops, products and coaching programmes.My work has taken me across the UK and into Europe, America, Canada and South America. My purpose and passion is to help those selling to other businesses to achieve SUCCESS through implementing step by step proven strategies THAT WORK!If I can help you in anyway, please let me know. I will help you take your business to levels you never thought possible.

The Most Difficult Aspect of Selling

What is the most difficult aspect of selling?• Accurately analyzing the growth potential of customers• Creating an effective territory plan• Developing an appropriate prospecting message• Formulating meaningful qualifying questions• Preparing responses for the inevitable stalls and objections• Developing an effective plan to meet sales goalsWhile all of these represent a challenge of one sort or another, the most difficult aspect of selling isn't included in the list.After you analyze your market, develop a territory plan, develop and rehearse your prospecting pitch, formulate your qualifying questions, prepare responses to anticipated questions, and set some ambitious goals. You must take action.And that's where so many salespeople falter. They fail to take action-to implement their plans in a timely fashion. Some never get their plans off the ground.Why?The most likely reason is procrastination. Not the overt "I'll do it tomorrow" type of procrastination, but procrastination in the guise of "fine-tuning" activities-tweaking the plan to get it "just right." Double-checking territory figures. Rewriting scripts and questions. Recalculating numbers. The more tweaking they do, the more time they buy for themselves before they have to face the real-world challenges the plans address.Not all "fine-tuning" activities are driven by procrastination. Some people have a need for perfection. They're not ready to take action until everything is perfect... every contingency has been identified... every twist and turn predicted and appropriate actions planned. They put off implementation until everything is perfect. But it never is. So, the planning continues and the "doing" never begins.Another reason salespeople put off implementing their selling plans is that planning and preparation are intellectual-"safe"-activities. The results of their efforts are predictable... and they have complete control over the process. But once the planning and preparation is complete and they have to engage and interact with prospects, they no longer have complete control. The process now encompasses an emotional component-the potential for rejection. They put themselves in vulnerable positions where they have to deal with frustration, disappointment, and short-term failures. The process is no longer "safe."Selling success is the result of knowing what to do... and doing what you know. It requires action. It doesn't require having a "perfect" plan, asking "perfect" questions, or giving "perfect" answers. Most often, "good enough" is, in fact, good enough. Putting yourself "in the line of fire" is what counts. Sometimes, things will go as planned; sometimes they won't. But, as long as you're in action, you're in a position to make corrections when needed... and to succeed.

Five Things Salespeople Must Have While there are several factors that contribute to success in the sales arena, there are five things you must have in order to maximize your potential and the results you achieve.You must have a system-a process for identifying, qualifying, and developing selling opportunities. Pursuing anyone who expresses a casual interest in your product or service is a poor investment of your time and energy. Even pursuing only those who have a real interest but not the wherewithal to buy it, or the ability to make a decision to buy it, is a poor investment of resources. In order to obtain the greatest return on that investment, you must be able to systematically qualify opportunities quickly using appropriate measurable criteria.You must have skill-to implement your system. And, the most valuable skill is the ability to communicate: to get your point across-succinctly and meaningfully-using language appropriate to the situation; to ask meaningful questions that keep the conversation focused on topics essential to qualify the opportunity; and, to listen... really listen to not only understand the content of what the other person is saying, but the intent of their words, as well.You must have belief-in yourself, in your company, and in your product or service. Because you can do no more than what you believe you can do, you must believe in your ability to tackle the job at hand and succeed to whatever level your skill and tenacity will take you. You must believe in your company's intention to treat its customers fairly and fulfill its obligations to them. And, you must believe in the ability of your product or service to deliver to the customer the results promised.You must have the desire to improve-even if you are at the top of your game. There's a saying in the aviation world-A good pilot is always learning. The same concept is true in the sales world-A good salesperson is always learning... to be more efficient and effective: identifying, qualifying, and developing opportunities; representing his or her company; and serving customers.You must have a 100% commitment-to doing the very best job you can, and to providing the best possible service to your customers, your colleagues, and others who depend on you. Your personal value is not measured by the size of your paycheck, but rather by the quality of service you provide to others. When you are committed to providing the best service you can... all the people you touch benefit.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

You Must Work A Prospecting System!

Developing new opportunities for business is the very essence of selling - and the biggest challenge. If the business simply called itself in, our job wouldn't exist. Prospecting is obvious and necessary, but it is also something many sales people don't make time for, feel uncomfortable with or only cover some aspects of, as this is a complicated and varied task.Many sales people know they have to contact a minimum number of new suspects to expand their sales or at least replace business that won't renew. How can we do that in a way that will guarantee more sales?Here are some of the things that can be done to prospect:· Cold calls· Ask for referrals· Networking· Trade shows· Mailings· AdvertisingNaturally there are more, but it's important we consider two things. First, is there a variety of prospecting in your plan or are you just doing one or two activities that you're comfortable with? If for example you can build your business with networking and referrals and maintain growth with these activities, good for you. But, if those are your activities and you're not hitting your numbers, you may want to consider more and different activities to keep your funnel full.The second thing to consider about your prospecting is whether they are active or passive. Most of the list above is passive. You have little control regarding who you contact, if they'll respond, or defining a next step. For example mailings and advertising are excellent but they are passive. You may intend for your message to reach a specific person or target audience but there is no guarantee they'll read it. To make it active you must call and follow up.Networking and referrals are also necessary in a well-rounded prospecting plan. If your networking means hanging around the shrimp bowl with industry cronies, that's passive. If it includes a plan to contact a specific number of people who invite you to call them because you have engaged them in meaningful conversation, it's active.

Referrals are the best way to start a business relationship. To make the process active you have to ask for referrals rather than hope someone volunteers them. You also have to contact the new prospect and be prepared to start the relationship and go through the selling process. A referral is nothing but an introduction. It guarantees nothing.And somewhere in that mix cold calling should have a place. I compare cold calling to networking. Driving down the road, scanning the business directory or surveying the room, I can never tell who the next buyer of my product might be. I can't tell by the store front, the name of their business doesn't make it any easier and I surely can't tell by the way they look. I'm guessing I'll have to talk to them, ask them some questions, and maybe, just maybe, we'll discover that they have some problems that I may be able to help them with. However, it's a long-shot.Salespeople typically put too much pressure on themselves when prospecting. If your goal in prospecting is to make a sale, it may be the reason you don't like the activity. If your goal is to contact suspects and find those qualified to be prospects, set up meeting to discuss your product and service as well as their problems, that's what it should be.Think of prospecting as if you were an old 1890's prospector looking for gold. You had to chip away at a lot of rocks that didn't yield much but finding the vein of gold was worth the looking.The final word on prospecting: don't procrastinate. Set a daily goal. It may be a number of calls or a time allocation for calls. Get in the habit of looking for the business.

Monday, July 21, 2014

How to Charge What You're Worth and Get It: Part 1 of 6 - Understanding Your Value

Ask yourself the following question: Would I like to earn an additional £10k, £20k, or £30k in the next 12 months without having to necessarily get more clients? If the answer is yes, then read on.With a sinking feeling, David checked his billings for the past month compared with his colleagues and wondered if the computer programme was on the blink. His earnings were barely higher than any of them and yet he'd easily spent double the amount of hours they had on client work over the past four weeks.Despairing, he packed up his things and made his way out of the office wondering how on earth he'd be able to face another month like the one he had just finished.I met David a few weeks later. By his own admission, if we hadn't started working together, he'd still be clocking up 80-hour weeks and never really making the money he deserved. He'd still be wondering what he could do to improve his situation.By the end of our first session, David had realised that he didn't need to get more clients to earn more money or to work even longer hours. All he needed to do was to start charging his clients for the extra work he did.You might be like David where you're not charging your clients for all the work you do. You might be discounting your normal rates to attract new clients or to retain existing ones. Or you might be charging less than you know you should for the work you do. Whatever you're doing or not doing, the result is that you're in a situation where the money you earn is nowhere near the value you deliver to your clients.To really get paid what you deserve for your work, you need to understand the value of the work you provide, communicate that value to your prospective clients and be comfortable asking for fees.As a formula, it looks like this:UV + CV + CA = CW.UV is understanding your value; CV is communicating your value; CA is comfortable asking for fees and CW is charging what you're worth.It is a simple formula but I know for many people, it is also very challenging.For the purposes of this article, we'll be looking at the UV part of the formula and then in subsequent articles, we'll continue with CV and CA.

There are three key aspects to understanding your value:1) Your expertise
2) The client's need/perception
3) Your general self-worthYour expertise is the qualifications you gained, your Continual Professional Development and the experience you have had over the years putting it all into practice. It's very difficult for you to see how valuable this is because you take it for granted - to you, it's easy - you've been doing it for years. You are what's known as unconsciously competent. What that means is that you do things automatically very often without having to think that much. An example of unconscious competence is driving a car. If you've been driving for years, you don't have to think how to drive the car - you just do it - and it's the same with your expertise.Which reminds me of a story I heard some time ago about an engineer. A manufacturing company rang and asked him to come in and look at a machine which had broken down. He had the foresight to ask the company what the cost of non-production was and they said £100,000 a day. Armed with this information, the engineer went in to take a look at the faulty machine. As he walked around it, he prodded, poked and listened to it and then, after just a few minutes, he hit the machine hard with a hammer. Bang. Hey presto, the machine immediately burst into life. He then stayed around for a few minutes, until he was satisfied that the machine was running sweet and as soon as he was happy that all was well, he packed up his things and went on his merry way. Even though it had only taken him 10 minutes, he sent an invoice into the Company for £2,000.00, because he understood his value. The Company wrote back and asked for a breakdown of the invoice. He immediately replied:For hitting the machine with the hammer £50.00
For knowing where to hit the machine £1,950.00
Total £2,000.In the next article, we'll look at the client's needs and your general self-worth in relation to understanding your value.

S.P.I.N An Introduction To Spin Selling

If you happen to work in a sales environment, even in an online basis, you may be able to use the SPIN selling technique to gain better results. This is a very basic introduction, and in order to master the process, you will need to do some further homework. This will give you the basis of what spin selling is, and how you may be able to develop it in your own sales environment. I have used it effectively for a number of years, and while it won't always work for all sales environments, its elements are at the core of good sales practise. That is, effective questioning and prospecting.SPIN selling stands for;SituationProblemImplicationNeeds payoffThese are a form of questioning that allows you to funnel your prospect into a buying outcome. Let's dig a little deeper as to what all this means.Situation: What is the prospects situation? What is their business, or particular situation of why they would even consider your product or service? Is it relevant to what you are offering?Problem: What problem do they have that you could solve? What issues have arisen due to their situation? What is the fundamental core of what they are trying to achieve?Implication: What does their problem imply? What is the issue that the problem they have is causing? How is it affecting them or their business?Needs Payoff: This is the closing of your sequence. The needs payoff is the end of the sales funnel. If you have followed the other steps correctly, the prospect should have seen how you will be able to help them by this stage. A needs payoff question shows how the service or product you are offering can assist them.For the sake of example, let's say that we are trying to sell a mobile phone. You can substitute anything at this point, but this is for example's purposes of the flow of conversation. I have made the assumption that the conversation goes flawlessly, and that the prospect is a willing participant.

You: Hello, and welcome to Massive Mobile Phone World. I see you've got last year's Cowabunga Super Radical Smart phone. How have you found that? (this is establishing what their situation is)Prospect: Yeah, it's been great. I get great coverage, and use it all the time. (Their situation is that they are an active user, and are happy with it... so far).You: How has its overall performance been? (problem question. Probing for information)Prospect: I have noticed that it has become slower loading in the last few months, but I think that might be due to the amount of apps installed. Otherwise I love it. (they have now implied that they have a problem with the model)You: Oh, OK, so it has slowed down. How frustrating has that been for you? (you are eliciting an emotional response from the prospect, and also implying that they have had issues. This is also an open question so they can't answer 'yes' or 'no')Prospect: Yeah, I guess I have been a little frustrated with it, more so lately. It does tend to bug me actually.You: OK, well if you had a phone with more storage, speed and is less likely to stall at inopportune times, is that something you would prefer?Prospect: Yes!You: Great! Well, here's the cowabunga mega radical smart phone. It's the upgrade from your current model, and is just $20,000 how does that sound?Prospect: Mmm, that's a little pricey.You: Wow, you drive a hard bargain. OK, well if I am able to discount the price to just $295, would you buy it?Prospect: Oh, yeah!I know this is not necessarily the best example, but the flow of conversation is the important part to take away.Spin selling can be really effective if used correctly, and hopefully this gives you a brief example of how to utilise in your profession.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

How Salespeople Eat An Elephant

Most people will have heard the "eating the elephant metaphor":Question: How do you eat an elephant?Answer: One bite at a time.The metaphor is applied to any large problem... you break it down into manageable tasks that you can accomplish, one task at a time towards the bigger goal.This metaphor applies nicely to the sales role because very often the goal for a salesperson will seem big. It might be "meeting a large quota", or "establishing a territory", or "getting new accounts".Those goals are specific, yet vague. They will have measurable metrics attached to them, but the roadmap for how to get there is often "hazy". To the salesperson it might seem like "eating an elephant". They may not know how to start, how to organize themselves or how to put together a plan for success.Keeping with the metaphor, break the bigger problem down into "bite sized" pieces."Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." Oprah WinfreyIf the problem is to meet a sales quota:

List the clients that currently generate revenue for the company.

Identify the probably revenue generation from those clients in the coming year.

Identify the gap.

Identify past clients that could fill the gap, or part of the gap. Estimate what revenue could be generated from those clients.

Your goal will be the sales quota PLUS some percentage, to allow for slippage. This might be 20%.

If you are still short of your sales quota * 1.2 then identify new clients (based on old relationships, known opportunities, referrals etc.) to fill the gap.

Now identify all known contacts inside all of those clients and determine how often you need to meet with them.

Focus your efforts commensurate with your expected return. If you expect your largest client to generate 40% of your target quota, then spend 40% of your time with them.

For each client you will need an account strategy. This will include messages, competitive information, call plans, revenue targets.

You will need to execute your strategies for each client, using great time management techniques... utilizing company resources as needed, calling on multiple people each visit, keeping focused on the goal.

You will checkpoint yourself at a minimum of weekly (I suggest Friday afternoons). Your checkpoint will involve ensuring you are on target with your execution; changing up prospect clients if needed; readjusting revenue targets as necessary and generally re-setting your overall plan.

Monday you get back at executing against your revised plan.

"We can no more afford to spend major time on minor things than we can to spend minor time on major things." - Jim RohnIt does not have to be complicated.It does mean being organized.The method benefits from good time management skills... To Do lists, calendar usage, priority setting.Elephants are there to be eaten, and anyone can do it. It just needs to be done in a way that you can manage. One bite at a time!

How To Generate Business As A Car Salesman

Trust In The SystemThese nuggets of wisdom come directly from the Book of Proverbs, Chapter Three. The chapter leads off by saying, "don't forget my teaching." The teaching here is the standard for living a righteous life. From a business perspective, think of it as reminding you to use the system upon which you were trained. Trust the system. Remember what you were taught so that you do not deviate from its intent.You see seasoned sales people such as yourself become so engrossed in the sale that often times the system is forgotten. The system was tested, adjusted and tested again. But it's there to make yours and the customer's experience routinely the same. You know what to do and what to expect, and the customer gets the service the system was setup to provide. Trust the System.Trust The TruthI know that car sales folks get a bum rap. Whenever there is reference to slimy sales people, for some reason the car sales guys/gals get pegged with the moniker. If you are wearing that label because you stretch the truth or exaggerate, then you need to stop that nonsense. You give everyone else a bad name; but more importantly, you are building your legacy on a lie. Even the smallest exaggeration is a lie.Do you want to build a solid career in sales- one that people desire to do business with? Be known for the truth. Never exaggerate; never promise something you can't deliver. Be a "Boy Scout" of "Girl Scout", one the customer knows they can trust because you always tell the truth.

Want to know how valuable trust is? Ask your boss. Probably he will say that trust is the number one attribute that brings back the customers. It's not price; it's trust!Trust In GodIf I had to lean on my own understanding, this guy would have fallen over long ago. Lean on God's understanding. He sees the people walking into your office. He knows what's behind their steering wheel. Perhaps not closing the deal is not an affront against you as it is that God is protecting them from a bad decision. By that I mean a decision that will derail their finances, not from the product or service you have to offer. You just never know how God influences the buyer's decision.Be a steward of sales. That is, you have been given a wonderful gift. Personally I wish my gift were stronger in that area. Trust God to use your gift in a way that will bring Him the most glory. Contrary to everyone's belief, it's not about you, me or anyone else. It's about bringing glory to God.You have been uniquely crafted to use your gift of sales. Use it wisely; don't take things so personally.